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Start A Ujima GIRL Club

Here are the steps that you need to take to start a Ujima GIRL Club.

Step 1 - Create A Team:

Your team would be made up of:

  • You, the President.
  • You’re friends
    • Choose some of them to be leaders with you, the Vice President, and the Treasurer.
  • A teacher from your school
    • Who would serve as an advisor
    • And let your school know about the club.
  • Let us know about the club as well so we can support you and give you exclusive merch ;)


Step 2 - Get Organized:

Your team would need some structure, this would include:

  • Getting all the paperwork to form a club done. 
  • Establish leadership positions:
    • President
    • Vice President
    • Treasurer
  • Pick a time, place, and how frequently to meet.
  • Use the document here to structure your club and plan your meetings.
  • Get the Roboblocky parts from your Ujima GIRL Project Teacher


Step 3 - Get The Word Out:

  • Tell all your friends.
  • Make and post fliers.
  • Participate in your school’s club rush!


Here's A Tip:

Two girls who went to GIRL Camp, Katrina and Malaysia (C-STEM GIRL), successfully made a robotics club at their school (American Canyon High) called "Girls Can Too". Here is some advice from them:

"Don't be afraid to promote your club. You will be surprised at how many kids are interested in robotics. You should also find a teacher you can trust and who is as passionate about robotics as you are. As long as you have a loyal teacher supporting you, you will go far".


Things To Do During Your Meetings:

Apart from the examples on the Ujima club structure document, here are more examples of things you could do during your club meetings.